Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Off with her hair!"

I remember when I was younger I would sneak in to the back yard with scissors and cut the end of my long braid. On one of those occasions I really made it look obvious and I was giving my mom a hard time about doing my hair, so we went down to the store and cut it all off. That was first grade I think and since then my hair has never been this short.
I was a little nervous about cutting my hair short because the last time I cut my hair the lady gave me a mullet. I mean she was a preacher that happened to cut hair too and I don't think she enjoyed what I had to say much. Thanks Tennessee!
Just a little disclaimer about the red hue on the pictures, I was reminded this week that I have some Mohawk Indian in me which explains why I tan red:)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

¿Cómo se "LLAMA FEST"?

This week we wanted to really have some fun since my crazy schedule has only allowed us to high five and then go to sleep at night. So "llama fest" it was, at the Hare Krishna temple in the middle of no where:)
First we fed some of the llamas. I wont lie- llamas make me nervous, I mean what if they bite my fingers off or chomp on my ear.

This is how I have been looking when I get up in the morning. Sorry Reuben!
I wonder why he never has that look on his face when he feeds me my dinner.
Still scared so Becca had to feed the little dear
A little patty cake with Becca
I could have made this easier and bent my knees but he was up for the challenge.
Inside. We don't know much about this religion except the whole reincarnation deal. They had us take our shoes off and then we could go inside and explore. It was quite interesting.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Stadium of Fire!

This 4th of July there was no mile long walk to the beach with sand in unmentionable places or a tan that makes some question my ethnicity, but, "Stadium of Fire" in Utah. Glen Beck was the host(if I spelled his name wrong then I'm sorry).
It was quite stimulating for the eyes. Shedaisy sang and not too many people cared, except for me and then all of a sudden my ear drums blew out and kids all over started jumping and screaming! The Jonas Brothers came and gave a nice cardio workout to all kids under the age of 13.

Then they set off a TON of fireworks. It was amazing. After that they had to retire a 20 foot flag. To do it they had to burn it. It was quite patriotic:)

Monday, July 6, 2009

To Whom the Bell Tolls

Who are these criminals in a get-away rental car? Could it be Kira and Reuben? Mr. Schwarzenegger seems to think so. Arnold seems to think they are participating in a little toll evasion. You be the judge. Personally, the author doesn't think there's enough proof to nail anybody. Certainly, Reuben and Kira don't remember running through any tolls ... but then again, Reuben is often absent-minded, and Kira is often sleeping.

Free the Cooks!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Fun!

Kira and The Banana Boat
-A Short Story by R. Messervy Cook

Twas the thirtieth of June, when at Rainbow Bay, all atop a Banana, but not this man Ray.
When asked if he would ride, his simple answer was no. "It seems fun to me, but I should let you all go."
In the group of "you-alls" was our friend Kira Cook. She accepted the offer based on his confident look.
The reality however, was that this Raymond knew, that riding Banana was like "Doing the Dew".
Reuben, like Raymond, knew better than that. To ride the Banana like a research lab rat.
So with innocent eyes, Ray and Reubs sat on the boat, and laughed as they watched the "you-alls" patiently float.

Kira, with Jorgy, Jill, Kevin, and wife, did not understand they'd have the ride of their life.
Before Kira knew it, she was flying with speed. She was going so fast, I think that she peed.
She was bouncing, and knocking heads with others on board. She got bad whiplash, when the boat un-slackened the chord.
It wasn't long, before her body started to fly, over the others and on through the sky.
With flailing arms and screaming deep from the lung, into the water her body was flung.

All and all Kira had the time of her life, despite getting plunged, the bruises, and strife.
Reuben also had fun on the lake he would say, he did his first 180 on the kneeboard that day.

Note: Despite the dramatic ending of this story, Kira suffered no serious bruises. We had a good time. It turned out to be a good "Team Party" for Reuben's work that day.