While in Irvine we got Owen's pictures taken, ate lots of good food, celebrated his birthday and went to Disneyland! There are also random pictures of other things we've been up to.

First off: Owen documented. My friend, Mike Smith took them. He lives in CA but he is always in Utah for business so if you want his number, I have it.

Now for Owen's 5th haircut. This time we got it done right so that it doesn't look like Edward Scissor hands did it.
Happy? Scared? Or just sad to lose some of his hair?
Next stop, Owen rides his first pony at Thanksgiving point. He is giving me the "look of death."
He didn't enjoy the thought of me leaving him on a pony and I didn't enjoy getting pony poop in my sandals- we got off early.
Now for Reuben's first trip to Disneyland.

After seeing that Star Tours was closed and picking up our Space Mountain fast pass, we headed to Fantasy Land, which didn't do much for Reuben because, he can count on one hand how many Disney movies he has seen.

We waited to go on Peter Pan which was my FAVORITE ride when I was little. This time it was shorter and things looked fake. I'm speechless, how did that happen?

Emma who knew the most popular rides and was indeed the Disney expert. Georgia was the photographer so there aren't any of her:(
Tea cups, of course! The boys wussed out so just the girls did this one.

Did Space Mountain with the fast pass. Then headed to California Adventure after the fire works.
Did Space Mountain with the fast pass. Then headed to California Adventure after the fire works.
We were here for a short time, just to see "World of color" and go on one ride.