Lucky us, we got to come down to CA for the week to visit with the fam. We had baby showers, played a lot and took Owen to the beach for the first time. I know, I know, I'm a horrible mother for not getting him there sooner. These pictures are all out of order, but here we go...

Just got Owen back in the habit of smiling for the camera.

"Now Brek, don't sass me or you'll be in trouble."
Owen with the my parentals.
"Oh hello beautiful!"
Still cute, even with one arm.

Trying to figure out how to talk to the seagulls.

Too bad the water was a little chilly.

"Yep, that's how you wear them Owen."
Decided that clothes were optional.

Cleaning up his blueberries that he so gracefully threw EVERYWHERE.

"Come here Brekky, I have a secret for you!"

"I'm going to spit this in your face, because I'm a nice boy."


"Oh my gosh, don't even give me carbs..I only want fruit."

After 3 different dinners, he decided he would only eat blueberries.


And we look drunk. But we're not.

Me, Owen and our newest addition to Utah... Dr. Shores.

This is the ONLY presentable picture of me opening gifts. All the other ones I pulled a double/tripple chin on.

Kate, Brooke, Jenna, me and Owen. We're all pregnant.

King Louie and Krystle.

The set up for the shower.

Owen sporting his BYU jersey which didn't help them at all. After seeing the score, Owen dumped the fountain on him.

Owen getting to know the sand.

Another trip to the water.

Just a little attitude for you.

"Ummmm get that off of me."