Sunday, November 1, 2009

A few updates

This summer the only thing I managed to get done was another class at BYU and I took a CNA class. What I really got out of it was a yellow stethoscope, scrubs, and certified skills in bum wiping.

Later I had a birthday and turned 26, we carved pumpkins and ate until we were sick. Reuben also had a birthday and turned 28. We don't have pictures to document that, but I promise it happened.
Reuben made his lemonade pie, YUMMM!

Later dad came to visit and we took a drive through the canyon, even though the leaves were somewhat gone we still had a good time.

Reuben had a costume party at work and was balloon boy, he won for being "most creative."
He makes me laugh:)


  1. Looks like a fun Halloween!...If Reuben really wanted to be balloon boy he should of wore a BOX since that is what he was really in...ha ha

    oh and...

    Congrats on the little one on the way! Brady and I are so excited for you guys!!!!

  2. fun! hey you have to post some pics of your tummy : ) are you guys all moved in? how's the new house? Hope you guys are doing good!
